当地时间2019年12月7日,法国南特,当地抗议示威活动持续进行。综合报道,当地时间7日,法国历史性大罢工进行到第3天,引发新的周末交通混乱,截至目前罢工势头仍旧强劲,法国政府与推动罢工的工会组织也互不让步,工会警告罢工将持续到下周,这场罢工或难以在短期内结束。 People react during clashes with anti-riot police officers (CRS) during a demonstration against unemployment and precariousness in Nantes, western France, on December 7, 2019. The most serious nationwide strike to hit France in years caused new misery for weekend travellers on December 7, with defiant unions dismissing proposals by the government and warning walkouts would last well into next week. LOIC VENANCE